
name: string

Column label. If none specified, it will use the prop value and decamelize it.

prop: string

The property to bind the row values to. If undefined, it will camelcase the name value.

flexGrow: number

The grow factor relative to other columns. Same as the flex-grow API. It will any available extra width and distribute it proportionally according to all columns' flexGrow values. Default value: 0

minWidth: number

Minimum width of the column in pixels. Default value: 100

maxWidth: number

Maximum width of the column in pixels. Default value: undefined

width: number

The width of the column by default in pixels. Default value: 150

resizeable: boolean

The column can be resized manually by the user. Default value: true


Custom sort comparator, used to apply custom sorting via client-side. Function receives five parameters, namely values and rows of items to be sorted as well as direction of the sort ('asc'|'desc'):

(valueA, valueB, rowA, rowB, sortDirection) => -1|0|1

NOTE: Compare can be a standard JS comparison function (a,b) => -1|0|1 as additional parameters are silently ignored. See MDN for more info.

sortable: boolean

Sorting of the row values by this column. Default value: true

draggable: boolean

The column can be dragged to re-order. Default value: true

canAutoResize: boolean

Whether the column can automatically resize to fill extra space. Default value: true

cellTemplate: TemplateRef

Angular TemplateRef allowing you to author custom body cell templates

headerTemplate: TemplateRef

Angular TemplateRef allowing you to author custom header cell templates

checkboxable: boolean

Indicates whether the column should show a checkbox component for selection. Only applicable when the selection mode is checkbox.

headerCheckboxable: boolean

Indicates whether the column should show a checkbox component in the header cell. Only applicable when the selection mode is checkbox.

headerClass: string|Function

Header CSS classes to apply to the header cell

cellClass: string|Function

Cell classes to apply to the body cell

frozenLeft: boolean

Determines if the column is frozen to the left. Default value: false

frozenRight: boolean

Determines if the column is frozen to the right. Default value: false

pipe: PipeTransform

Custom pipe transforms. Default value: undefined

Last updated

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